Modi Training Institute
- PC Hardware Concepts :Assemble your Own Computer
- Micro Processors
- Motherboards & Memory
- Slots</ STYLE="COLOR:WHITE"li>
- Interfacing Devices
- Peripheral Devices
- Disk Drives
- 100% Practical Assembling of Computer
- Configuring CMOS Setup
- P STYLE="COLOR:WHITE" artitioning & Formatting of Hard Disk
- MultiMedia : WEB CAMERA & CD WRITER Installation.
- Internet Configuration & Setup
- Diagnosing and Troubleshooting
- Printer Installation & Driver Updation
- Installing Operating System
- Installation, Configuration & Upgrading Softwares
- Troubleshooting & Virus
- Software Installation Windows, MsOffice, Accounting S/W...etc.
Personal Computer Technician - A Graduate of this program will have a working knowledge of Hardware and Software on a variety of platforms. Students will study Operating systems, software applications, upgrades, & computer repair.
- Networking Protocols, Resource Sharing.
- Networking Topologies
- Transmission Media
- Inter Network Devices
- Network Cabling System: LAN
- Switch Installation
- Twisted Pair CRIMPING (Straight & Crossover) . RJ-45 Crimps.
- Configuring Windows Configuring Names, Workgroups.
Dual Booting
- Configuring & Troubleshooting Windows
- Sharing Printers, Hard Disks, Security.
Duration: 6 Months